Virginia Beach Building Permits – Expert Guidance for You

Building a custom home in Virginia Beach is an exciting journey but comes with challenges.

One of the most crucial steps is obtaining the necessary building permits.

These permits ensure that your construction project meets:

  • local building codes
  • zoning laws
  • and environmental regulations.

Consequently, they safeguard your investment, ensure legal compliance, and promote the safety of both builders and future occupants.

Read on to discover the types of Virginia Beach building permits available and the steps you need to take to obtain them.

3 Types of Building Permits in Virginia Beach

One of the project of RBC Homes with custom home design for their clients in Virginia Beach
RBC Homes – Ruff Life

When planning to build or remodel in Virginia Beach, understanding the types of permits required is crucial.

Here are the three primary categories:

1. Residential Permits

Residential permits are necessary for any construction or alteration of residential structures, ensuring that the work complies with local safety and zoning regulations.

These approvals help maintain the integrity and value of residential properties, ensuring that all modifications are safe and legally approved.

Examples of Projects:

  1. Construction of new homes and additions (e.g., extra rooms, carports, garages)
  2. Structural alterations like removing walls or changing egress routes
  3. Exterior modifications such as replacing roofs, windows, or siding
  4. Installation of decks, porches, and swimming pools

Additional Info

Any significant change to the structure or layout of a home typically requires a residential building permit to ensure compliance with safety and zoning regulations in Virginia Beach.

In fact, this helps avoid future legal issues and ensures that your property retains its market value​.

2. Commercial Permits

Commercial permits are required for the construction or alteration of commercial buildings and structures.

These ensure that business-related projects comply with all applicable safety standards and zoning laws.

Examples of Projects:

  1. Construction of new commercial buildings
  2. Alterations or renovations within existing commercial spaces
  3. Changes in the building’s use or occupancy
  4. Additions such as expanding floor space or modifying structural components

Additional Info

Commercial building permits ensure that projects meet fire safety and accessibility standards, protecting business owners, employees, and customers​.

3. Specialty Permits

Specialty permits are specific to certain types of work that may be part of larger residential or commercial projects.

They cover specialized areas like electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems.

Examples of Projects:

  1. Electrical wiring installations or upgrades
  2. Plumbing system installations, repairs, or modifications
  3. HVAC system installation or upgrades
  4. Specialty constructions like swimming pools, spas, or fireplaces

Additional Info:

These permits are essential to ensure that technical aspects of construction comply with local building codes and safety regulations, preventing hazards such as electrical fires or plumbing leaks​.

Ready to get started on your dream home? Contact RBC Homes today to schedule your free consultation and let our experts guide you through the building permit process in Virginia Beach.

How to Obtain a Building Permits in Virginia Beach in 6 Steps

Breathtaking view of the sea from the balcony of custom home in Virginia Beach build by RBC Homes
RBC Homes – Bellissimo

Obtaining authorization for construction in Virginia Beach involves several key steps and submitting essential documents.

Here’s a detailed guide to help you navigate the process effectively.

1. Key Requirements and Documents

To apply for a building permit in Virginia Beach, you need to gather and prepare several important documents and plans.

These include:

Site Plans

Firstly, Site Plans are crucial as they provide a detailed layout of your construction site.

These plans illustrate the location of existing and proposed structures, distances from property lines, and the layout of utilities and landscaping.

Properly prepared site plans help ensure your project complies with zoning regulations and does not encroach on easements or violate setback requirements.

These plans are fundamental for gaining approval from city planners, as they demonstrate how your project will fit into the existing environment and infrastructure​.

Construction Plans

Luxury custom home with outdoor pool in Virginia beach built by the RBC Homes
RBC Homes – A License to Chill

Secondly, Construction Plans are detailed blueprints of the building, including the foundation, framing, and roof design.

These plans must be signed and sealed by a licensed architect or engineer.

They are essential for ensuring the construction meets all safety standards and building codes.

During the permit application review, inspectors will use these plans to verify compliance with local regulations.

Detailed and accurate construction plans are crucial for a smooth approval process.

Read more: Custom Home Trends

Zoning Compliance

Next, Zoning Compliance documentation must confirm that your project adheres to local zoning laws, which dictate how land in different areas can be used.

This step is necessary to ensure that your construction project is suitable for the designated area, whether it’s residential, commercial, or industrial.

Ensuring zoning compliance helps prevent future legal issues related to land use and ensures that your project will not face opposition from local zoning authorities​.

Environmental Impact Assessments

Finally, Environmental Impact Assessments evaluate how your construction project will affect the surrounding environment.

This includes considerations like water runoff, soil erosion, and habitat disruption.

These assessments are particularly important for projects that may have significant environmental impacts.

They ensure that your construction complies with local and state environmental regulations.

Submitting a thorough environmental impact assessment helps address any environmental concerns early in the planning process and facilitates smoother approval​ ​.

2. Application Submission

Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, the next step is to submit your application.

In Virginia Beach, most building permit applications are submitted online through the Accela Citizen Access portal.

This platform allows you to create an account, upload your documents, and pay the required fees.

For smaller projects, you may submit applications in person at the Permits & Inspections office, but these must meet specific criteria.

It’s important to ensure that all documents are complete and accurate to avoid delays in the review process​.

3. Plan Review

Aerial view of project Amazing Grace built by RBC Homes with large backyard and elegant outdoor pool in Virginia Beach
RBC Homes – Amazing Grace

After submitting your application, it will undergo a comprehensive plan review.

During this phase, various city departments will examine your plans to ensure compliance with building codes, zoning laws, and environmental regulations.

The initial review typically takes a few business days, but if revisions are required, this process may extend.

It’s crucial to address any feedback promptly and resubmit any necessary corrections to avoid further delays.

Effective communication with city officials during this stage can significantly streamline the review process.

4. Permit Issuance

Upon completing the plan review, the city will issue your building permit.

This document must be displayed prominently at the construction site.

The permit outlines specific conditions and inspections required throughout the process.

It is essential to comply with these conditions to ensure that your project remains in good standing.

Additionally, the permit issuance marks the official approval to begin construction, providing legal authorization to proceed with your project​.

5. Inspections

As your project progresses, various inspections will be conducted to ensure compliance with the approved plans and building codes.

Inspections can be scheduled online and completed at critical stages of the construction process, such as foundation, framing, and final inspections.

Scheduling inspections promptly is crucial for maintaining the project’s timeline.

Addressing any issues inspectors raise ensures that each construction phase meets safety and quality standards.

6. Final Approval

A newly approved construction project of the RBC Homes in Virginia Beach
RBC Homes – At Last

The final approval is granted once all required inspections have been passed and the construction project is completed according to the approved plans.

An inspector will conduct a final walkthrough to ensure that everything complies with Virginia Beach building permits and building codes.

Upon successfully completing this final inspection, you will receive a Certificate of Occupancy (CO), which officially certifies that the building is safe for use.

This final step is critical as it signifies the end of the permitting process and the legal authorization to occupy the new or remodeled structure.

For more detailed information on each phase and to access the online application portal, visit the City of Virginia Beach’s official Permits & Inspections page.

Have questions about building permits in Virginia Beach? Reach out to RBC Homes for expert guidance and support. Our team is here to help you every step of the way

Benefits of Proper Permitting

Obtaining the proper building permits in Virginia Beach is a crucial step in any construction project.

It offers numerous benefits that ensure the success and safety of your project.

Here are some of the key advantages:

Ensuring Safety and Compliance

Proper permitting ensures that your construction project adheres to all local building codes and regulations.

This compliance is vital for the structure’s safety, as these codes are designed to protect against hazards like structural failures, electrical fires, and other safety issues.

By following these regulations, you can be confident that your building is safe for occupants and complies with all necessary safety standards.

Additionally, the inspection process associated with permitting helps identify and rectify potential safety issues before they become major problems​​.

Enhancing Property Value

Elegant kitchen in custom home building in Virginia Beach with aesthetic and luxury design
RBC Homes – Attitude Adjustment

Having the proper permits can significantly enhance the value of your property.

When it comes time to sell, potential buyers and real estate agents will look for proof that all construction work was done legally and up to code.

Properties with the necessary permits are often appraised higher than those without, as they come with a verified history of compliance and safety.

Moreover, future owners will appreciate the assurance that the property has been properly maintained and meets all legal requirements, making it a more attractive investment​.

Avoiding Legal and Financial Penalties

Failing to obtain the necessary building permits in Virginia Beach can lead to severe legal and financial consequences.

Unpermitted work can result in fines, legal action, and even the requirement to demolish or undo the completed work.

Additionally, if unpermitted work is discovered during a sale, it can delay or derail the transaction.

Ensuring all work is properly permitted from the start helps avoid these costly setbacks and ensures your project can proceed without legal complications​​.

By obtaining the correct permits, you comply with the law and ensure the safety, value, and integrity of your construction project.

Proper permitting is an investment in your property’s long-term success and safety, providing peace of mind and protecting you from potential risks and liabilities.

FAQs about Virginia Beach Building Permits

I. How big can I build without a permit in Virginia?

You do not need a building permit for one-story detached structures under 256 square feet, provided they aren’t intended as living spaces and comply with local zoning​  ​​  ​.

II. Do I need a permit to build a deck in Virginia Beach?

Yes, a permit is required to build a deck in Virginia Beach to ensure it meets structural safety and zoning regulations​.

III. What types of projects require a building permit in Virginia Beach?

Projects needing permits include new construction, additions, major renovations, electrical and plumbing installations, and building accessory structures like large sheds or pools​​.

IV. How long does it typically take to obtain a building permit in Virginia Beach?

The review process typically takes a few business days, but can be longer if revisions are needed. Plan for several weeks to accommodate potential delays​​.

V. Can I apply for a building permit online in Virginia Beach?

Yes, you can apply online through the Accela Citizen Access portal, which allows for document uploads and fee payments​.

VI. What are the common reasons for building permit application rejections?

Common reasons include incomplete applications, missing documents, non-compliance with codes, and lack of required professional signatures​​.

Do you have more questions?

If you have more questions or need assistance, contact RBC Homes. Visit our contact page or reach out directly to our expert team for guidance.


Securing the right building permits in Virginia Beach is vital for the safety, compliance, and value of your project.

Key steps include submitting detailed site and construction plans, ensuring zoning compliance, and passing inspections. By following these steps, you can avoid legal and financial pitfalls.

Moreover, working with a professional builder like RBC Homes can significantly streamline this process.

Experienced builders navigate the complexities of permitting efficiently, saving you time and reducing the risk of costly errors or delays. For expert assistance, visit our contact page and let RBC Homes help make your dream home a reality, ensuring compliance and quality every step of the way.

How to Choose a Home Builder in Virginia Beach – 22 Advices

Choosing the right home builder is a huge decision because building a custom home is not only a significant investment but also a partnership that will span several months.

In fact, 50% of homeowners believe reliability is the most important quality in a home builder. The builder you choose can make or break your dream home. Pick the right one, and your home will exceed your expectations. Choose poorly, and you might face a never-ending construction nightmare.

At this point, you need to figure out how to choose a home builder for your dream home in Virginia Beach.

Start by doing your homework:

Dive into online reviews and gather recommendations from friends and family. You’ll want to look for builders with extensive experience, a solid portfolio, and clear, upfront pricing. Don’t forget to check if they’re licensed and insured – it’s essential to protect your investment.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the necessary steps to help you find a custom home builder in Virginia Beach who will bring your vision to life. To make this process easier for you, we’ve compiled 22 crucial steps to consider.

Let’s get started!

1. Identify Your Needs

How to choose a home builder which can create a new house with an outdoor swimming pool.
RBC Homes – Happy As a Clam
  • When you narrow down your needs, it becomes much easier to find a home builder that aligns with your vision from the start, especially for a Virginia Beach coastal home. Here are some things to consider:
  • Style: What kinds of coastal home styles are you drawn to? Clean and contemporary? Traditional? Beach cottage? Many home builders specialize in specific styles, and looking at their past work is a great way to determine whether they share your aesthetic preferences.
  • Size: Are you looking to build a spacious beachfront home for your extended family or a cozy cottage-style rental to add to your portfolio?
  • Features: What are your must-have features? From expansive decks and outdoor living spaces to hurricane-resistant materials and smart home technology integration, certain features can greatly impact the construction timeline and costs.
  • Budget: Be realistic with your budget. Not only will it give you practical limitations on the scale and complexity of your project, but it’ll also help you determine which builders are within reach.

Of course, you’ll also want to consider your timeline. If you’re looking to finish a home project as soon as possible, it might weed out a few contractors with booked schedules.

By clarifying these aspects, you’ll be well on your way to understanding how to choose a home builder in VA that perfectly matches your coastal home vision.

2. Conduct Thorough Research

When you’re on the hunt for the perfect coastal home builder in Virginia Beach, thorough research is essential.

Start by checking online reviews. What are past clients saying about their experiences? This will give you a good sense of their reputation.

Next, don’t forget to ask friends, family, and neighbors for recommendations. Personal referrals can be gold.

Then, take a look at builders’ portfolios. Do their past projects match your vision? Seeing is believing! Finally, ensure they have the proper licenses and insurance. This is non-negotiable for protecting your investment.

By taking these steps, you’ll be well on your way to making an informed decision and partnering with the right builder for your Virginia Beach dream home.

3. Evaluate Experience and Past Projects

How to choose a home builder which can create aesthetic interior design and overlooking view of the sea
RBC Homes – All Inn

Choosing a home builder with the right experience can make all the difference, especially for coastal homes.

Experience: Look for builders with extensive experience in the type of home you want. Have they built homes similar to your vision before?

Past Projects: Examine their past projects closely. Are the designs and quality up to your standards? Do they have a portfolio that showcases a range of successful builds?

Client Feedback: Pay attention to feedback from previous clients. Were they satisfied with the builder’s work and professionalism?

Here at RBC Homes, we specialize in building custom luxury homes in the Coastal Virginia region. Learn more about our work by exploring our gallery of past home-building projects.

4. Assess Communication and Customer Service

Getting to know your home builder is crucial. First impressions matter, especially in how a builder communicates. You can learn a lot from that initial phone call or email exchange.

Building a home is a big investment, and you deserve a builder who’s transparent throughout the process. They should be upfront about their experience, costs, and any potential challenges.

If the builder seems evasive or hesitant to answer your questions, that’s a red flag. You want a partner you can trust, someone who will keep you informed and involved every step of the way.

We value transparency above all here at RBC Homes. Get in touch with us to learn more about our home-building process.

5. Get Detailed Quotes

When you get a quote from a home builder, it should be more than an arbitrary number.

We provide comprehensive cost breakdowns here at RBC Homes, meaning every individual expense, from labor to site preparation and permitting, is transparent.

In getting detailed quotes, you can also make sure the costs align with your budget.

6. Verify Credentials

Just because a home builder says they have credentials on their website doesn’t mean you should take it at face value. Do your own research to find out whether they have a license or insurance in your state.

RBC Homes is a class-A licensed luxury home builder here in Coastal Virginia.

Learn more about us and our work.

7. Make an Informed Decision

How to choose a home builder which can build for their client an outdoor swimming pool and bathtub.
RBC Homes – Aquatic Dreams

Building a new custom home in Virginia Beach is one of the most significant investments you’ll ever make. To ensure your project meets your expectations, it’s crucial to take the time to interview multiple builders and thoroughly research your options.

By selecting a builder with a proven track record and a style that matches your own, you can make a more informed decision and move forward with confidence, knowing that your dream home is in capable hands.

At RBC Homes, we pride ourselves on our years of expertise in new home construction and remodeling in the Virginia Beach area.

Our portfolio showcases a variety of custom homes that reflect the unique styles and preferences of our clients, ensuring that our work aligns perfectly with your vision.

8. Search for Specific Expertise

When embarking on a custom home-building project in Virginia Beach, it’s essential to find a builder with specific expertise to meet your unique requirements.

Many projects demand specialized spaces or distinctive architectural styles, and RBC Homes excels in these areas.

At RBC Homes, we specialize in creating custom luxury homes tailored to coastal environments.

Our homes feature coastal landscaping, expansive outdoor living areas, and floor-to-ceiling windows designed to maximize natural light and offer breathtaking views.

We place a special emphasis on ensuring that our structures are built to withstand the harsh environmental elements common to the coastal lifestyle, ensuring durability and longevity.

9. Visit Past Projects

If you have a specific style in mind for your custom home in Virginia Beach, one of the most effective ways to find a builder that aligns with your vision is by reviewing their past projects.

At RBC Homes, we encourage prospective clients to explore our extensive online portfolio, showcasing a variety of custom homes and remodeling projects we have completed in the Virginia Beach area.

Additionally, we recommend reaching out to our past clients to gain deeper insight into their personal experiences with our company.

Visiting our past projects and speaking with our satisfied clients is the best way to make an informed decision.

10. Discuss Customization

Beautiful kitchen with clean and aesthetic design built by RBC Homes
RBC Homes – Count Your Blessings

Every homeowner is unique, and finding the right builder means choosing one that offers extensive customization options for your coastal home.

Imagine a beachside home that perfectly matches your lifestyle, from the finishing touches to upgraded kitchen appliances and the ideal color palette.

Your builder should be able to adapt to your needs and ensure every detail aligns with your vision.

Ready to bring your dream home to life? Get in touch with us to learn more about our custom luxury home projects in Virginia Beach.

11. Search for Billing Transparency

Does the company’s billing method offer transparency?

As a client electing to engage in a Cost plus Contract versus a Fixed Price Contract you should be able to see the cost of each component used in construction of your new custom home. 

We take great pride in our billing transparency, as we believe it creates a sense of trust between us and our clients.

12. Seek Recommendations

We always encourage our clients to inquire among friends and family before diving into a new project with a custom home builder.

In fact, word of mouth is one of the most reliable and effective ways in knowing how to choose a home builder that’s reputable. Actively seeking advice from those you know can provide you with more insight into a company’s past success stories.

13. Understand the Timeline

While unexpected delays can happen, having a project timeline in place that both aligns with your schedule and your needs is key.

When speaking with a potential home builder, see if you can get a detailed timeline, which includes the planning and preparation phases.

An experienced custom home builder should be able to develop a timeline with realistic expectations to optimize the construction process from start to finish.

14. Check for Eco-Friendly Options

One of RBC's clients has a newly built house with an eco-friendly design.
RBC Homes – A License to Chill

Even as luxury custom home builders, one of the main elements we aim to prioritize in our work is sustainability, as it benefits both the land we build on and the surrounding communities.

If sustainability and eco-friendly construction are important to you, look for contractors that have statements pointing to their eco-friendly material usage or green practices.

Ask if your contractor can implement energy-efficient appliances in your new home or whether or not they use any recyclable or natural materials.

15. Review the Contract Thoroughly

If you aren’t a legal professional, we’d recommend finding someone who is to walk you through your construction contract to tell you whether or not your interests are protected.

However, if you’d like to look it over beforehand, there are a couple of things to pay attention to:

  • Whether or not the scope of the work is outlined clearly
  • The final price, including additional costs and allowances
  • Payment schedules
  • Timelines
  • Warranties

A thorough contract will protect both you and the builder, which is why the review process is such a crucial part of choosing a home builder.

16. Inquire About After-Sale Services

Many newly built custom homes come with after-sale services, such as warranties and maintenance.

If your chosen home builder doesn’t provide a warranty, it’s likely because they aren’t confident in their craftsmanship.

Again, this is a big red flag, and an important aspect when determining how to choose a home builder.

Learn more about our special after-sale services at RBC Homes!

17. Ask About Financing

Elegant living area with modern and aesthetic design built by RBC Homes
RBC Homes – Atlantic Villa Fran-to-Sea

If you’re building a custom home and not paying in cash, you’ll have to consider financing options.

Many home builders have relationships with Banks which offer construction/permanent loans, a financing vehicle which can fund a portion of the land cost, fund construction costs, and which  is also a long-term mortgage.

This type of loan usually offers a 12 to 18 month construction term and generally the borrower pays interest only on that portion of the loan actually advanced to fund construction.

However, financing options can vary, so getting a good idea of what financing options are available is crucial.

18. Check for Associations and Awards

Home builders with industry recognition and awards most often provide a higher level of expertise. We don’t earn awards in this industry without a commitment to consistent excellence.

You can typically find this information on a builder’s website, though you can also check with professional housing associations, such as the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) or your local Home Builders Association (HBA).

19. Inspect Their Safety Record

RBC Homes is dedicated to safety in all forms, protecting not only the clients whose homes we are building by adhering to strict safety standards but also the builders themselves with proper training programs and on-site protocol.

As a client, we urge you to inquire about the safety practices of any contractor you’re thinking of hiring when figuring out how to choose a home builder.

  • Do they have a clean record without any incidents for which they’re at fault?
  • Do they offer their builders professional training with the latest and most up-to-date standards?
  • Do they carry adequate insurance during the construction process?

Prioritizing safety means minimizing risks and disruptions during the construction process and protecting every party with a stake in the project.

20. Understand the Payment Schedule

Payment schedules are part of just about every construction process.

They detail the timeline of payments that must be made throughout a project’s timeline.

A quality schedule strikes a balance between the client’s desire to only pay for work that’s been completed and the contractor’s need to receive payment on time.

As we said before, knowing how to choose a home builder has a lot to do with finding a timeline that works for you.

Make sure the payment schedule is something you completely understand so that both parties can agree to it confidently.

21. Evaluate Their Problem-Solving Skills

How to choose a home builder which can create a newly built house by RBC Homes for their client with luxury indoor swimming pool
RBC Homes – A Crown Jewel

Beyond exploring your potential contractor’s portfolio, try to find out more about any issues they may have run into in the past and whether or not they will be able to find solutions for them.

There are many problems we face here at RBC Homes that are out of our control, from inclement weather to unforeseen site conditions and last-minute design changes. However, we also have years of experience and a proven track record, which helps us handle issues as they arise.

Knowing that you’re working with a home builder who has a track record of addressing and dealing with challenges can make for a much less stressful process.

22. Visit Ongoing Projects

When figuring out how to choose a home builder for your home in Virginia Beach, one of the last things we recommend is visiting their ongoing projects if feasible.

This allows you to see how they work in real-time.

By observing their operations firsthand, you get a more hands-on look at their professionalism, organization, and craftsmanship. It’s an excellent way to gauge if they are the right fit for your custom coastal home project.

Contact us to learn more about our ongoing luxury custom home projects. We’d love for you to see how we operate!

Coastal Elegance: RBC Homes’ Signature Projects

At RBC Homes, our passion lies in turning your dreams into reality.

Explore our portfolio to see a collection of inspiring custom homes in Virginia Beach, each showcasing our commitment to quality craftsmanship and exceptional design.

Step Inside Unforgettable Spaces:

“At Last”

Arial view of the beautiful home in At Last with outdoor swimming pool built by RBC Homes

Ideal for family gatherings, “At Last” features seven master bedrooms, a spacious gourmet kitchen, and an elevator for easy access.

Enjoy stunning ocean views and a vast open-concept living area perfect for connecting and relaxing.

Unwind by the poolside cabana bar or enjoy a game night in the rec room. “At Last” offers a luxurious retreat for everyone.

View Project Here

“All Inn”

All Inn home with outdoor swimming pool and overlooking view of the sea

Experience the ultimate in coastal luxury with panoramic ocean views and unparalleled elegance.

Imagine waking up to stunning sunrises and sunsets or watching dolphins from your private viewing decks. This is the epitome of coastal living.

View Project Here

“Ruff Life”

How to choose a home builder which can create home with clean and aesthetic living area built by RBC Homes

Experience luxury by the sea!

This 9-bedroom oasis now boasts a new 2024 upgrade: a master suite with three double beds for unparalleled comfort. Relax by the private pool, entertain at the cabana bar, or simply take in the stunning views. “Ruff Life” is perfect for families and pets, featuring elegant interiors, hardwood floors, and top-tier amenities.

This is coastal living at its finest.

View Project Here

Need More Inspiration?

Explore our extensive gallery to find a wide range of custom homes that showcase diverse styles and features.

And be sure to read our testimonials to hear from satisfied clients who have trusted RBC Homes to build their dream homes.

FAQs About How to Choose a Home Builder

1. What are the most important questions to ask a potential home builder?

It’s crucial to ask about their experience, past projects, timelines, costs, and any potential issues they foresee. Also, inquire about their licenses, insurance, and after-sale services to ensure you’re protected.

2. How can I verify the quality of a home builder’s work?

Visit their completed projects, check online reviews, and speak to previous clients. This will give you a clear picture of their craftsmanship, reliability, and the satisfaction of their customers.

3. What should I expect in a detailed quote from a home builder?

A detailed quote should include a comprehensive breakdown of costs, including building materials, labor, permits, and any additional fees. It should also outline the payment schedule and project timeline.

4. How do I handle unexpected issues during the home building process?

Choose a builder with strong problem-solving skills and a good track record. Clear communication and a flexible approach are key to handling unforeseen challenges effectively.

5. What should be included in a home builder contract?

A thorough contract should detail the scope of work, total costs, payment schedule, timeline, and warranties. It should also cover what happens if there are delays or changes to the project.

6. How do I decide whether to buy or build?

Deciding whether to buy or build depends on your timeline, budget, and specific needs. Building allows for complete customization but can take more time and may involve unexpected costs. Buying an existing home is faster and may be less expensive upfront but might not meet all your needs.

Do You Have More Questions?

We’re here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through each step of choosing a home builder in Virginia Beach. Getting started is easy! Here are the first steps:

How to Choose a Builder for Your New Home in Virginia Beach

Putting in the work to find the home builder that best aligns with your needs can give you the most important thing of all — confidence in the team. 

Building a home is a significant investment. For many clients, the process is quite emotional, so making sure you have a company that values you and provides you with trust is key.

Our 30+ years of dedicated experience has made us one of the top luxury custom home builders in Virginia Beach. If you’re interested in learning more about our award-winning projects and seeing how we can help you in the process of building your own home, get in touch with us today.

How Long Does It Take to Build a House in Virginia Beach, VA?

Ever imagine yourself sipping a drink on your brand new Virginia Beach porch, the sunset ablaze across the sky and the ocean’s rhythm serenading you?

Building your dream home here can make this a reality.

But before you dive in, you might wonder: how long does it take to build a house in Virginia Beach?”

The average construction timeline in Virginia Beach falls between 7 and 12 months. However, it’s important to remember this is a flexible estimate, and several factors can influence this. Let’s break it down into two key phases, pre-construction and construction. Here’s a general breakdown of the time required for each construction phase:

  1. Pre-Construction Phase: 2-4 months (planning, design, permits)
  2. Foundation: 1-2 months
  3. Framing and Structure: 2-3 months
  4. Roughing-In: 2-3 months
  5. Interior and Exterior Work: 2-4 months
  6. Final Touches: 1-2 months

Trust us, aspiring homeowners – the wait is more than worth it!

Now, let’s dive in into the details:

1. Pre-Construction Phase (2-4 Months)

One of RBC's clients has a new custom built house.
RBC Homes – A License to Chill

According to the most recent data from the Census Bureau, the average time it takes to get through the pre-construction process is around 1.3 months for a single-family unit.

So, what does this phase entail?

The groundwork for a smooth construction process in Virginia Beach is laid during this initial phase.

Here, planning and securing permits take center stage.

  • Planning and Design: This stage involves defining your vision, including the floor plan and exterior finishes. The complexity of the design and the number of revisions can significantly impact the timeline.Choosing a pre-designed floor plan from RBC Homes’ extensive library can expedite this phase compared to creating a custom design from scratch.
  • Architectural Design and Blueprints: A licensed architect translates your vision into detailed blueprints required for obtaining permits. The intricacy of the design and any revisions here can also influence the timeline.
  • Permits and Regulatory Approvals: Securing necessary permits from Virginia Beach authorities is crucial. The complexity of the project and local regulations can affect the time taken for approvals.

By streamlining these pre-construction steps, you can lay a strong foundation for a smooth and efficient building process in Virginia Beach.

2. Foundation (1-2 Months)

The foundation is the cornerstone of your home, literally!

The timeline for this crucial stage in Virginia Beach is usually 1-2 months and can be influenced by several factors:

  • Site Preparation: This encompasses tasks like land grading and foundation excavation, and can vary depending on your plot’s specific characteristics. Sandy soil conditions, common in some coastal Virginia Beach areas, might require additional considerations during site prep.
  • Foundation Selection: The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) emphasizes using qualified professionals to ensure a strong and stable foundation for your dream home. Common options include concrete slabs or foundations with pilings. RBC Homes’ expertise can help you navigate this decision based on your soil conditions and building plans. We can also advise on the potential benefits of installing a grade beam for added stability.

3. Framing and Structure (2-3 Months):

Inside the newly house with clean living area built by RBC Homes
RBC Homes – Ruff Life

The framework is the skeletal system of your home, providing the structure for everything to come.

This stage, typically lasting 2-3 months in Virginia Beach, involves erecting the walls, roof, and windows.

Optimizing the Framing Process:

The complexity of your design and any modifications made during framing can impact the timeline. Here’s how RBC Homes can help you navigate this stage efficiently in Virginia Beach:

We’ve developed a streamlined framing process that ensures efficient construction while maintaining the exceptional quality you expect for your Virginia Beach dream home.

4. Roughing-In (2-3 months)

The “roughing-in” stage is where the magic starts to happen!

During this 2-3 month period in Virginia Beach, essential systems like plumbing, electrical wiring, and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) are installed throughout the framework of your home.

This meticulous process ensures your dream home functions seamlessly and efficiently.

  • Crucial Inspections: Regular inspections by qualified professionals occur throughout the roughing-in phase in Virginia Beach. These inspections guarantee adherence to local building codes and ensure the safety and functionality of your home’s vital systems.

5. Interior and Exterior Work (2-4 Months)

One of RBC's clients has a new house with an elegant interior design.
RBC Homes – Summer Baycation

This is the moment where your vision truly comes to life!

The interior and exterior work stage, typically lasting 2-4 months in Virginia Beach, involves transforming the framework into your dream home.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Building the Envelope: Insulation installation creates a comfortable and energy-efficient environment. Drywall goes up, providing a canvas for your design ideas.
  • Personalizing Your Space: This is where you get to showcase your style! From selecting the perfect flooring and paint colors to choosing fixtures and finishes, the wide variety of materials and finishes offered by RBC Homes allows you to personalize your Virginia Beach home to perfection. The extent of customization you choose can influence the timeline in this stage.

6. Final Touches (1-2 Months):

You’ve reached the final hurdle!

This exciting stage typically lasts 1-2 months in Virginia Beach, and involves adding the finishing touches that transform your house into your dream home.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Polishing the Interior: Cabinets, fixtures, and appliances are installed, bringing functionality and style to your living space.
  • Landscaping for Beauty: The exterior comes to life with landscaping, adding curb appeal and creating an inviting outdoor space you can enjoy in Virginia Beach’s beautiful weather.
  • Final Inspections: Meticulous final inspections by qualified professionals ensure everything meets safety standards and building codes. Once these are complete, you’ll be given the green light to move into your dream home!

Tip for Virginia Beach Homebuilders: Finalizing selections early in the process can expedite this stage. Collaborate with your home builder to ensure materials are readily available to avoid delays.

The Average Construction Timeline in Virginia Beach

As we have observed, the average house construction timeline in Virginia Beach falls within the national range of 7 to 12 months. However, this can vary depending on your chosen building method.

  • Traditional Construction: This method offers maximum design flexibility, allowing you to customize your dream home. While the on-site building process can take longer, Virginia Beach’s favorable summer weather conditions (as discussed earlier) can potentially expedite construction compared to regions with harsher climates.
  • Prefab Construction: Prefabricated homes are built in sections off-site, often resulting in a faster construction timeline in Virginia Beach. This method can be ideal if you have a tighter timeframe or a simpler design in mind. However, prefab homes might have limitations in terms of customization options.

RBC Can Help You Decide:

RBC Homes understands the importance of timelines in Virginia Beach.

Contact us today! We can provide a more specific construction timeframe estimate based on your project details and desired level of customization.

Our team will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your vision and schedule.

Factors Influencing Timeline of Building a House in Virginia Beach

While the national average for building a house falls between 7 and 12 months, your Virginia Beach project might have a different timeline. Here’s why:

  • Size and Design Complexity: Grand estates with elaborate features will naturally take longer than simpler bungalows. Optimizing your design or choosing a pre-designed floor plan from RBC Homes can streamline this process.
  • Virginia Beach Weather: Favorable summer weather conditions can potentially expedite construction compared to regions with harsher winters. However, factor in potential delays due to hurricane season, which is a regional consideration for Virginia Beach.
  • Material Availability and Labor: The local availability of building materials and skilled labor can influence the timeline. RBC Homes’ experience navigating the Virginia Beach construction landscape can help mitigate these potential delays.
  • Design Changes and Unforeseen Issues: While modifications and unforeseen situations can arise, RBC Homes’ transparent communication and proactive approach can help minimize their impact on your schedule.

Partnering for a Smooth Build:

By understanding these Virginia Beach-specific factors, you can create a more realistic timeline for your dream home. Contact RBC Homes today to discuss your project and explore ways to optimize your construction journey.

Building Dreams on Time: Real-Life Examples from RBC Homes

At RBC Homes, we understand the importance of a clear timeline when building your dream home. Here, we’ll showcase how our commitment to efficiency translates to success for our clients, along with valuable insights from our construction experts:


One of the newly houses built by RBC Homes with aesthetic interior design

Imagine waking up to panoramic ocean views from your private balcony in one of “Bellissimo’s” nine luxurious bedrooms.

This sprawling oceanfront property boasts a private pool with tempered-glass fencing, creating a seamless connection between your indoor and outdoor living spaces. Relax in the two-story gazebo or unwind in the state-of-the-art home theater.

The gourmet kitchen, equipped with top-of-the-line appliances, caters to the chef in you.


“Villa Sol”

Beautiful kitchen design built by RBC Homes

Villa Sol” exemplifies the essence of coastal living.

This oceanfront escape features nine luxurious bedrooms, including seven private masters, ideal for family gatherings or large groups.

Revel in the private pool, hot tub, and cabana bar, perfect for creating lasting memories under the Virginia Beach sun.


“American Dream”

Luxury homes built by RBC Homes with outdoor swimming pool and overlooking view of the sea

American Dream” brings your family vacation dreams to life.

This sprawling 3-level oceanfront home boasts expansive decks, a poolside cabana bar, and a ground-level rec room for endless fun. Relax in the hot tub, unwind in the open great room with stunning views, or whip up meals in the gourmet kitchen.

Luxurious bedrooms and professionally decorated spaces ensure everyone feels comfortable and entertained.


Ready to Discuss Your Dream Home?

These are just 3 examples of the exceptional oceanfront properties RBC Homes can build.

Our commitment ensures your dream home is built on time and within budget, allowing you to start enjoying your coastal oasis sooner.

Contact RBC Homes today to discuss your project and get a personalized construction timeline estimate.

Let’s turn your dream into reality, together.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Here, address common questions people might have about building timelines:

1. Can a home be built in 3 months?

 While rare, under ideal circumstances (simple design, readily available materials, favorable weather) a very small and basic home might be achievable in 3 months. However, this is an aggressive timeframe and not typical for most projects.

2. How quick can you build a home?

RBC Homes can analyze your project and provide an accurate timeline estimate. Prefabricated homes might offer a slightly faster construction timeframe compared to traditional builds.

3. What part of building a house takes the longest?

The pre-construction phase, particularly securing permits, can sometimes take longer than anticipated. However, the overall timeline depends on your specific project.

4. Do you Have More Questions?

Contact RBC Homes today for a free consultation. Let’s discuss your vision and create a timeline that brings your dream home in Virginia Beach to life!


Building a house in Virginia Beach is an exciting journey, and with careful planning, you can navigate the construction process smoothly.

This guide has provided insights into the various phases involved and the factors that can influence the timeline.

Remember, the average timeframe is 7 to 12 months, but it can vary depending on your project’s specifics.

RBC Homes understands the importance of clear communication and realistic timelines.

Contact us today to discuss your dream home and get a personalized construction timeline estimate. We’ll be happy to guide you through the process and turn your dream into reality.